Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the course!

    • Before we begin...

  • 2

    Why does your horse need dental care?

    • So, what about horses in the wild?

    • Why Does a Horse Need Dental Care

  • 3

    Deciduous Teeth

    • Deciduous Teeth

  • 4

    Permanent Teeth

    • Normal Variations

  • 5

    Aging A Horse By Its Teeth

    • Eruption Schedule

    • Tooth Structure and Wear Pattern

  • 6

    Normal Occlusion

    • Normal Occlusion

  • 7

    Abnormal Occlusion

    • Premolar and Molar Abnormalities

  • 8

    Signs of Dental Disease

    • Signs of Dental Disease

  • 9

    The Complete Dental Exam

    • General Physical Examination

    • External Oral Examination

    • Incisor Abnormalities

  • 10

    Odontoplasty "Floating"

    • What is Odontoplasty?

    • Frequency

    • Power Versus Hand Floats

  • 11

    Choice of Practitioner

    • Non-Veterinary Dental Technician "Lay Dentist"

    • Equine Veterinarian

    • How to decide What and Who is right for your horse?

    • Equine Dentistry Quiz

  • 12


    • EI_Dental_Flier

  • 13

    Next steps

    • Hey Horse Lover! More For You...

    • Before you go...