Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the course!

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    Equine Vital Signs

  • 3

    Common Equine Emergencies

    • Lacerations

    • Eye Injuries

    • Penetrating Trauma

    • Limb fracture

    • Cellulitis

    • Laminitis

    • Laminitis movie

    • Esophageal Obstruction "Choke"

    • Choke movie

    • Colic

    • Down horse

    • Tying up

    • Allergic Reactions and Anaphylaxis

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    Chapter #3 - Trailer Safety

    • Trailer Safety

    • Equine First Aid Test

  • 5

    Chapter #4 - Common Equine Medications and First Aid Kit Essentials

    • First Aid Kit Preparedness

    • Introduction

    • Pain Relievers and Anti-Inflammatories

    • NSAID infographic

    • Eye Medications

    • Bandage Materials

  • 6

    Chapter #5 - Medication Administration

    • How to Give Oral Meds

    • Administering Eye Medications

    • How to apply a standing bandage to the lower limb

    • How to Give Intramuscular Medications

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    Next steps

    • Before you go...

    • Hey Horse Lover! More For You...